From now on.. I'd like to start a type of segment... things i don't quite understand but what I make of the situation or subject...
It is clear to us all that summer break is here for students all over I seem to be seeing a lot of kids from my school, most of which I do not speak to... but they say hello to me and I politely smile back.. however if we were still in our school hallway i would have never received any sort of greeting from them.
Why?.. Why does this happen?
I don't understand why someone would say hello to me outside of school and in school they would no.. knowing that possibly the only similarity between us is the fact that we go to the same school... So here the one thing that connects us (the school we attend)
Ahh damn lost my train of thought, the rain is mesmerizing
From my understanding, I think that people just like to be known and like to know people, so when I see someone outside of school with a group of people that don't go to our school they somewhat like to impress the people they are with.. By saying 'hi' to me theirs friends automatically think they know me and that I too for sure know them..
so the one thing that connects us outside of school is the one thing that separates us in school? Does this make any sense?
Meh. Beats me man, its just what I've understood.
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