Rest peacefully MJ... you've accomplished a lot in my eyes, and forever people all over the world will look up to you and to you for guidance from the skills you have blessed the world with. Children all over the world know who you were and know your hits by name although you were not at your best in their time, this proves that your legend will live on whether you are physically still with us or not.
His loss to me feels like I have lost a long distant cousin or uncle, the ones you never get to see or in some cases you have never met before but you love them regardless. And also in my opinion I feel like he died happily, with all the buzz in the media and what surrounded his name, I feel like none of that hardly phased him and because it didn't he died happy. My point being, happy people die young and the miserable people live long...
You will truly be missed Michael,be my family and the families of everyone around the globe.
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