Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1 ♥ T.O.

I most definitely agree with the fact that we live in Screwface Capital..

Sunday, June 21st
Mister Drake himself performed at the 2009 BET Awards, I for one am very proud of him and what he has accomplished.. I felt like when he was sitting on the couch with Tigga and Jamie at their afterparty and the two men were competing for who knew more about our hometown man, i felt like he felt he really made it to the top.. I mean without having a contract or an album and has reached the status and amount of exposure that he has is astonishing..
Facebook was buzzin' about why he was sitting down during his time on stage, people were calling him a 'heediot' saying that he's 'too hype outside of Tha Dot' and that 'he goes and performs at big BET Award and sits down the entire time like a fool'..
And all I could think was wow, we really do live up to our name.. I don't care what anyone has to say and whether I met Aubrey or Drizzy or Drake or Jimmy, I'm proud of him and what he's doing.. its a real good look man,Congratulations or Mazel Tov as he may prefer.

Congratulations * track 18-SoFarGone

From My Understanding

From now on.. I'd like to start a type of segment... things i don't quite understand but what I make of the situation or subject...

It is clear to us all that summer break is here for students all over I seem to be seeing a lot of kids from my school, most of which I do not speak to... but they say hello to me and I politely smile back.. however if we were still in our school hallway i would have never received any sort of greeting from them.

Why?.. Why does this happen?
I don't understand why someone would say hello to me outside of school and in school they would no.. knowing that possibly the only similarity between us is the fact that we go to the same school... So here the one thing that connects us (the school we attend)

Ahh damn lost my train of thought, the rain is mesmerizing

From my understanding, I think that people just like to be known and like to know people, so when I see someone outside of school with a group of people that don't go to our school they somewhat like to impress the people they are with.. By saying 'hi' to me theirs friends automatically think they know me and that I too for sure know them..

so the one thing that connects us outside of school is the one thing that separates us in school? Does this make any sense?

Meh. Beats me man, its just what I've understood.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear Winter

I know that everyone that knows me thinks I'm completely ridiculous for loving the fall/winter season, but I just do. I can't understand why everyone loves the heat, I really don't understand it. Yes i guess it's nice to see people gathering for BBQ's and get-together's along the beach, but doesn't anyone like gathering inside, around a chimney, drinking hot chocolate in hefty sweaters and wool socks?

We get so sticky and sweaty in the summer, people smell when they don't use enough deodorant, the buses are suffocating machines, everything melts and the bread that you put out on the counter or on top of the refrigerator spoils easier. How do you guys enjoy this?.. Maybe I'm just being difficult... No, actually I'm not..

I love the fall, with its big sweaters and all, its like family time, time for love, in the summer everyone wants to be single and always wants to go out. Okay, maybe the Ice Cream Truck comes around and that makes people happy, even me, but I'm pretty sure that for the winter there could be a Hot Chocolate Truck too.. So watevs to all you haters on my season.

And to further prove my point, the summer always brings out the worst in people and in our city...
Like Crime.. nobody wants to go to Caribana anymore because 'mans are gonna catch them slippin'.. wtf?!
A whole lot of people get hurt in the summer, they get too bored and decide to plot against each other and I know that no one can disagree with me on this one.. it's a known fact that summer= sweat, stench, crime and boredom.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King Is At Rest

Rest peacefully MJ... you've accomplished a lot in my eyes, and forever people all over the world will look up to you and to you for guidance from the skills you have blessed the world with. Children all over the world know who you were and know your hits by name although you were not at your best in their time, this proves that your legend will live on whether you are physically still with us or not.

His loss to me feels like I have lost a long distant cousin or uncle, the ones you never get to see or in some cases you have never met before but you love them regardless. And also in my opinion I feel like he died happily, with all the buzz in the media and what surrounded his name, I feel like none of that hardly phased him and because it didn't he died happy. My point being, happy people die young and the miserable people live long...

You will truly be missed Michael,be my family and the families of everyone around the globe.

Monday, June 1, 2009

So far... far

my inspiration has been accumilating
coming soon...