I most definitely agree with the fact that we live in Screwface Capital..

Sunday, June 21st
Mister Drake himself performed at the 2009 BET Awards, I for one am very proud of him and what he has accomplished.. I felt like when he was sitting on the couch with Tigga and Jamie at their afterparty and the two men were competing for who knew more about our hometown man, i felt like he felt he really made it to the top.. I mean without having a contract or an album and has reached the status and amount of exposure that he has is astonishing..
Facebook was buzzin' about why he was sitting down during his time on stage, people were calling him a 'heediot' saying that he's 'too hype outside of Tha Dot' and that 'he goes and performs at big BET Award and sits down the entire time like a fool'..
And all I could think was wow, we really do live up to our name.. I don't care what anyone has to say and whether I met Aubrey or Drizzy or Drake or Jimmy, I'm proud of him and what he's doing.. its a real good look man,Congratulations or Mazel Tov as he may prefer.
Congratulations * track 18-SoFarGone

He sprained a tissue in his calf area...that's y he was sitting through the performance